Click here to view site on Toxic Estrogen And Cancer
- 1) Xeno-estrogens are everywhere and add your your own natural estrogen. You can become an ESTROGEN BOMB! This is not desirable!
- 2) Note the word plastic: every time you purchase a liquid stored in a plastic bottle you end up drinking toxic estrogen that leak from the plastic into the liquid. Look for the #1 on the plastic bottle. It is your only assurance that the plastic leaks minimally. Otherwise, do not purchase.
- 4) Are you estrogen dominant? If you suffer from PMS, endometriosis, infertility, fibroids, cystic ovaries, OR ANY OTHER female related issues not mentioned: READ JOHN LEE MD’S book on this topic, listed in “square” number 5.
- 7) Progesterone keeps estrogen in check. As you age, the progesterone levels drop FASTER than the estrogen levels. This creates the estrogen dominance. Add to that the Xeno-estrogens and the stage is set for disaster.
- 9) Note the word “conjugation” in the right hand column. The liver conjugates (binds) the toxic estrogen and then you urinate it out of your body.
- 10) Your body needs and produces estrogen. After the cell uses the estrogen, the residue goes to the liver for conjugation and then to the kidney for excretion. If the liver is sluggish and the levels are high and the Zeno estrogens are high AND the person generally toxic, the estrogens FAIL to excrete and remain in the body where they create a health hazards of all sorts! This is WHY it is so essential to flush the liver. See show #1!